Business Lawyers for Medical Marijuana

The attorneys at Sammis Law Firm help businesses and professionals comply with the maze of regulations that followed Florida’s recent enactments of medical cannabis laws.

Our attorneys represent professionals throughout the Medical Marijuana Industry in Florida including:

Many of the services we provide mirror the legal services traditionally provided to professionals and businesses in other industries. For professionals, investors, and businesses in Florida’s emerging medical marijuana industry, an attorney focused on the new regulations is required.

Attorneys for Medical Marijuana Businesses in Florida

Our attorneys help professionals and business find the legal services they need to properly form their business and operate within the new regulatory scheme for Florida’s medical marijuana industry including:

  • marijuana licensing issues
  • cannabis license applications
  • marijuana business planning
  • cannabis business consulting
  • banking restrictions for the marijuana industry
  • incorporation of a marijuana business
  • real estate transactions
  • cross-border licensing

The attorneys at Sammis Law Firm in Tampa, FL, work with clients to stay in compliance with the new regulations. Our attorneys also represent clients subjected to enforcement actions initiated by law enforcement and the Florida Department of Health against patients, physicians, doctors and businesses that are accused of operating outside the regulatory structure in Florida.

Call (813) 250-0500 for a consultation today.

Our Qualifications for Representing Medical Marijuana Businesses

Jason Sammis is an attorney licensed in the State of Florida. He graduated from the University College of Law in Gainesville, FL, in 1999. He is a Lifetime Member of the NORMAL National Legal Committee (NLC). He regularly attends the NLC legal seminars in Aspen and Key West, FL.

As a member of the NORML NLC, the is familiar with the implementation of the Florida Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014. He is also familiar with many of the legal issues that have arisen in other states after they implemented similar medical marijuana legislation.

Call (813) 250-0500 for a consultation to discuss your legal issues. If Jason Sammis can’t help you, he would be happy to refer you to another attorney in Florida qualified to provide legal advice tailored to your issues.

Legal Services for the Cannabis Medical Industry in Florida

The attorneys at Sammis Law Firm help physicians, professionals and business owners comply with the legal parameters for medical marijuana businesses in Florida and stay in compliance with new regulations as they emerge and evolve.

Keep in mind that the use and possession of marijuana remain illegal under both Federal and Florida law. The attorneys at Sammis Law firm provide advice to clients on issues related only to medical marijuana laws under state law with those limitations in mind.

Read more about Chapter 64-4 rules for the Compassionate Use of medical marijuana. Contact us to learn more the important protections in Florida’s medical necessity defense for patients and their caregivers.

Rules for Attorneys Representing Clients in the Medical Marijuana Industry

Lawyers in Florida who give advice to professionals with the medical cannabis industry should be aware of Florida Bar Rule 4-1.2. Florida Bar Rule 4-1.2(d) provides:

Criminal or Fraudulent Conduct. A lawyer shall not counsel a client to engage, or assist a client, in conduct that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know is criminal or fraudulent. However, a lawyer may discuss the legal consequences of any proposed course of conduct with a client and may counsel or assist a client to make a good-faith effort to determine the validity, scope, meaning, or application of the law.

The comment to Florida Bar Rule 4-1.2(d) provides:

A lawyer is required to give an honest opinion about the actual consequences that appear likely to result from a client’s conduct. The fact that a client uses legal advice in a course of action that is criminal or fraudulent does not, of itself, make a lawyer a party to the course of action. A lawyer may not, however, assist a client in conduct that the lawyer knows or reasonably should know to be criminal or fraudulent. A critical distinction exists between presenting an analysis of legal aspects of questionable conduct and recommending the means by which a crime or fraud might be committed with impunity.

Call the medical marijuana defense attorneys at Sammis Law Firm to find out more about the services we provide. Call (813) 250-0500 today.

Penalties for Physicians Operating Outside of the Requirements of 381.986

Qualified physicians must be careful when issuing a physician certification for marijuana or a marijuana delivery device. Any physican who receives compensation from a medical marijuana treatment center related to the issuance of a physician certification for marijuana or a marijuana delivery device is subject to disciplinary action under the applicable practice act and s. 456.072(1)(n). Physicians must continue to meet the standard of care and refrain from violating provisions of Chapter 456, 458 and 459 in their practice as a qualified physician certifying patients for medical use of marijuana. Physicians may also be subject to criminal penalties under Chapter 893 and other appropriate civil or administrative penalties if they violate section 381.986.

The stautory scheme also provides for criminal penalties. For instance, it is a First Degree Misdemeanor for a physician to issue a certification for the medical use of marijuana for a patient without a reasonable belief that the patient is suffering from a qualifying medical condition. Possession or manufacturing of a blank, forged, stolen, fictitious, fraudulent, counterfeit or unlawfully issued registry ID card is a Third Degree Felony.


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This article was last updated on Friday, June 22, 2018.