Criminal Defense Videos

DUI Defense in Checkpoint Cases

Watch this video in which Mike Deeson with 10 News interviews Jason Sammis about evidence he uncovered showing that a DUI sobriety checkpoint in Pasco County was unconstitutional. The evidence showed that the checkpoint was being conducted in violation of an operational plan because approximately 60% of vehicles were being stopped instead of “every third vehicle.”

Accreditation for Florida’s Arson Crime Lab Goes Up in Smoke

In this video, Leslie Sammis, a criminal defense attorney at the Sammis Law Firm in Tampa, FL, is interviewed by Jarrod Holbrook with Action News for a story about how “Florida’s arson lab loses accreditation, wrongful arson charges a main concern.” Even after a finding by the ASCLD/LAB that the Florida Fire Marshal Bureau of Forensic Fire and Explosives Analysis (BFFEA) laboratory was full of incompetents and incompetence, the information was not properly disclosed to prosecutors or criminal defense attorneys with pending cases. The report suggested a deliberate attempt by the lab techs to find and justify ignitable liquids in samples where none exists. The report also suggested that the lab did not apply correct quality assurance and controls over the staff. Watch this video to learn more:

Marijuana Crimes

Jason Sammis talks about defending marijuana cases, including: possession, possession with intent to sell, cultivation, grow house offenses, and trafficking in marijuana. Jason also talks about Florida’s harsh penalties for marijuana-related crimes.

Habitual Traffic Offender Revocations

Attorney Jason Sammis talks about the 5-year Habitual Traffic Offender Driver’s License Revocation in Florida, how to avoid the revocation, and how to get your license back after a 5-year HTO Revocation.

Seal / Expunge Criminal Record

Leslie Sammis, talks about the process and eligibility requirements for having a criminal record sealed or expunged in Florida.

Violation of Probation

Leslie Sammis, talks about common violations of probation and the reasons why it is necessary to have an attorney help those who have violated their probation and the importance of coming back into compliance.

Early Termination of Probation

Jason Sammis, talks about filing a motion for early termination of probation in Florida. Jason also talks about the terms and requirements for terminating probation early and the importance of having an attorney help with the process.


Leslie Sammis, talks about false accusations of shoplifting at retail establishments and the role of loss prevention officers and civil recovery.

Domestic Violence

Leslie Sammis talks about the consequences of being accused of Domestic Violence in Florida.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

Leslie Sammis, talks about being accused of Drunk Driving in Florida and the importance of the administrative review hearing with the department of motor vehicles and preventing a Driver License Suspension.

This article was updated on Friday, May 26, 2023.