Domestic Violence Deferred Prosecution Program

After an arrest for domestic violence charges in Pinellas County, FL, your attorney can help you determine your eligibility for the “Domestic Violence Deferred Prosecution Program.” If so, your attorney can help you understand the pros and cons of entering that program. Many of our clients would prefer to fight the charges instead of entering this program.

If you are interested in the deferred prosecution program to resolve your domestic violence case pending in Pinellas County, FL, your attorney can help you apply. A prosecutor with the State Attorney’s Office will then review your case to determine whether you are eligible to participate in the program. Eligibility depends on a host of factors, including:

  • input from the alleged victim;
  • the defendant’s prior record; and
  • the facts of the case.

Your attorney can help you negotiate more favorable special conditions to be imposed by the program, although the State Attorney’s Office ultimately sets those conditions.

For instance, you might be able to complete private counseling instead of the dreaded 29-week Batterer’s Intervention Program (BIP). An attorney might also help you avoid any requirement of completing an Alcohol or Substance Abuse evaluation or a psychological examination.

Benefits of entering diversion include avoiding $875 in fines, court costs, and the cost of supervision. The main problem with the program is that it might take twelve (12) months to complete.

Diversion programs also help you avoid many negative collateral consequences after entering a plea to the charges. By diverting the case from the court, the person accused of domestic violence can complete special sanctions to address the underlying program so that the criminal charge can be dropped.

Attorney for the Domestic Violence Deferred Prosecution Program in Pinellas

The Domestic Violence Deferred Prosecution Program in Pinellas County, FL, is not for everyone. Many of our clients are better off fighting for an outright dismissal of the charge so that the record can be expunged.

Entering diversion comes with some collateral consequences. For instance, your employer might consider entering the diversion as bad as entering a guilty plea. Entering a diversion program harms certain professionals, including healthcare providers, law enforcement officers, lawyers, and military members.

You might be discharged from the program if the State Attorney’s Office determines that you committed a new law violation or did not complete the requirements within the allotted time.

Before you decide, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney at Sammis Law Firm. Our attorneys focus on domestic violence battery cases in Pinellas County, FL.

Visit our office at 14010 Roosevelt Blvd Suite 701, Clearwater, FL 33762-3820. Call 727-210-7004 to discuss your case.

Additional Resources

Domestic Violence Deferred Prosecution Program in Pinellas – Visit the Sixth Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office website to learn more about a diversion program called the “Domestic Violence Deferred Prosecution Program.” The article explains the procedures and eligibility requirements.

This article was last updated on Monday, December 4, 2023.