Seizure for Forfeiture by the Palmetto Police Department

After a seizure of property for forfeiture by the Palmetto Police Department (PPD), the PPD attorney will complete an “Ex Parte Application for Seizure Probable Cause Determination,” filed electronically using the court’s E-warrant System.

“Ex Parte Application for Seizure Probable Cause Determination” filed by the agency includes a form called the “Palmetto Police Department – Seizure / Forfeiture Questionnaire.”

Other attachments might include the notice of seizure of personal property, arrest report, cost affidavit, victim notification, and proposed ex parte order on probable cause for the seizure.

Attorney for Seizures for Forfeiture in Palmetto, FL

If your property was seized for forfeiture in Manatee County, FL, or the Palmetto Police Department, contact an attorney at Sammis Law Firm.

We help clients in both federal and state forfeiture actions. We can help you file a claim or demand an adversarial preliminary hearing to get your property back under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act (FCFA).

We also represent clients after an arrest by an officer with the Palmetto Police Department for all felony and misdemeanor charges.

Call 813-250-0500.

Palmetto Police Department – Seizure / Forfeiture Questionnaire

The “Palmetto Police Department – Seizure / Forfeiture Questionnaire” provides:

To be completed by the supervisor and/or primary officer before notice of adversarial hearing to the property owner to be seized and before contacting the seizure control officer.

    1. Is the defendant the owner of the vehicle or property to be seized?
    2. Is there a lien on the vehicle or property to be seized? (Dispatch may run a query for this).
    3. If it is a vehicle, was the vehicle necessary to commit the crime?
    4. Is the defendant married?
    5. If yes, was the vehicle or property purchased before the marriage?

The form explains:

If a vehicle is co-owned or co-registered, it may not be seized unless can be proven that the co-owner or co-registrant had knowledge or “should have known” that the vehicle was being used as part of a criminal activity.

The State of Florida recognizes spouses as co-owners of property purchased or obtained after marriage, even if they are not listed as co-owners or co-registrants. The only exception is if the defendant is the sole registrant or titled owner and the property was purchased or obtained before their marriage.

The form also provides:

Provide a short synopsis showing the nexus relating the vehicle or property to the crime: ____________________________________________________.

Once this questionnaire has been completed, contact the seizure control officers:

Detective Sergeant Ryan Larowe;
Home cell:

If Detective Sergeant Larowe is unavailable, the alternate contact would be the enforcement bureau commander:

Captain Mike Stinson:

Or the Admin Commander:

Captain Lorenzo Waiters:

The form also recommends that enforcement personnel with the Palmetto Police Department in Manatee County, FL, review the following General Order and outside references:

  • PPD General Order 525;
  • Florida Contraband Seizure Act;
  • Florida State Statutes 932.701-706.

This article was last updated on Monday, June 5, 2023.