Domestic Violence in Osceola County, FL

According to FDLE’s Florida Uniform Crime Report, in 2024, there were more than 100,000 crimes of domestic violence reported to Florida law enforcement agencies. Those reports resulted in more than 50,000 arrests for domestic violence crimes. Because the accusations are so common, law enforcement officers in Osceola County, FL, receive special training to investigate these unique cases.

Each officer handling domestic violence investigations must complete basic skills training. The basic skills course includes training on how to recognize the primary aggressor in domestic violence cases.

The training also covers the unique challenges involved in accusations between a parent and a minor child. During domestic violence investigations, officers perform the following tasks:

  • helping the alleged victim obtain medical treatment if needed;
  • provide the alleged victim with information about resources such as domestic violence shelters and counseling programs;
  • write a report documenting the incident;
  • obtain written statements from the alleged victim and witnesses to the incident;
  • make an arrest when the officer develops probable cause that an act of domestic violence has been committed.

When complaints are received from two or more people, the officers must evaluate each complaint separately to determine whether there is probable cause for arrest. If the officer has probable cause to believe that two or more people have committed a crime, the officer must consider which person is the primary aggressor and whether anyone has a self-defense claim.

After an accusation of domestic violence, the person accused needs an experienced attorney fighting to protect their rights. The best result is getting the charge dropped quickly so any record of the arrest or prosecution can be expunged.

Attorney for a Domestic Violence Case in Osceola County, FL

If you are facing a domestic violence charge in Osceola County, Florida, hiring an experienced criminal defense attorney is critical. Domestic violence cases often carry serious consequences, including potential jail time, fines, mandatory counseling, no contact orders, and a lasting impact on your personal and professional life.

Understanding the unique aspects of domestic violence charges in Osceola County can help you make informed decisions about your defense strategy.

The alleged victim might also file a civil petition for an order of protection from domestic violence (also known as a “retraining order”). These injunctions are often issued temporarily, with a hearing scheduled in fifteen (15) days to determine whether it should be extended or made permanent.

Our attorneys can represent you during that civil proceeding while taking advantage of the additional avenues of gathering discovery. Those benefits include taking the alleged victim’s deposition early in the case. The additional discovery gathered can also be used to fight your criminal case.

After a domestic violence arrest by a law enforcement agency in Osceola County, FL, call an experienced attorney at Sammis Law Firm for a free and confidential consultation.

Call 813-250-0500.

Types of Domestic Violence Crimes Prosecuted in Osceola County, FL

In Osceola County, FL, the most commonly prosecuted crimes for domestic violence include:

  • Assault – Threatening harm or causing fear of imminent danger.
  • Aggravated Assault – Assault with a deadly weapon or with intent to commit a felony.
  • Battery – Unlawful physical contact or harm.
  • Aggravated Battery – Battery that results in serious bodily injury or involves a deadly weapon.
  • Stalking – Repeatedly following, harassing, or cyberstalking a person.
  • Aggravated Stalking – Stalking that involves credible threats or violates an injunction.
  • False Imprisonment – Detaining someone against their will.
  • Kidnapping – Abducting or confining someone with intent to harm or hold them hostage.
  • Violation of a Restraining Order – Disregarding a court-issued protective order.

The severity of charges can range from misdemeanors to felonies, depending on the specific circumstances, such as the use of weapons, injuries sustained, or the presence of children during the incident.

Programs and Procedures Unique to Osceola County

Osceola County has several programs and legal procedures specifically tailored to address domestic violence cases:

  1. Domestic Violence Court
    • Osceola County operates a specialized Domestic Violence Court designed to handle these cases efficiently while prioritizing victim safety.
    • Judges presiding over these cases are well-versed in domestic violence laws and often order swift intervention programs.
  2. Pretrial Diversion Programs
    • Eligible persons might be offered the opportunity to participate in a pretrial diversion program, such as the “Domestic Violence Pretrial Diversion” initiative.
    • The DV pretrial diversion program requires: 
      • completion of a 26-week Batterer’s Intervention Program (BIP)
      • performing community service hours
      • monitoring by a case manager
      • substance abuse or mental health counseling, if applicable
      • successful completion of the program may result in the dismissal of charges
  3. Victim Assistance Program
    1. The Osceola County Clerk of Courts offers victim advocacy services to provide support and resources to those affected by domestic violence.
    2. Advocates help victims navigate the legal system, obtain injunctions for protection, and access community resources.

This article was last updated on Friday, January 17, 2025.