Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) in Tampa

After the detention of a juvenile in Hillsborough County, FL, the arresting officer will take the child to the Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) in Tampa FL.

A criminal defense attorney can represent a child detained for a felony or misdemeanor offense at the Juvenile Assessment Center or the Juvenile Detention Center in Hillsborough County.

The child has the right to remain silent if he or she is suspected of violating the law. The child can simply say: “I do not want to make a statement or answer questions until after I speak with an attorney.” The parents can also ask that the child not be questioned until an attorney is present.

The Hillsborough County Juvenile Assessment Center in Tampa, FL, processes juveniles detained for a felony or misdemeanor prior to being released to their parent or detained in the juvenile detention center. An attorney can represent the child at all stage of the case.

Attorney on JAC in Tampa, FL

If your child was detained for allegedly committing a felony or juvenile offense, then seek out the services of an experienced attorney for juvenile defense in Tampa, FL.

We can represent the child before the allegations are known to law enforcement or after the criminal investigation begins. In other cases, we are not retained until after the child is taken to the juvenile assessment center or the juvenile detention center.

After a criminal accusation is made, it is important for the child to talk to an experienced criminal defense attorney for juvenile court as early in the process as possible. We can help your child today to protect their rights.

Call (813) 250-0500.

What is JAC in Hillsborough County, FL?

The Hillsborough County Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) receives and processes juveniles accused of a crime committed in Tampa or Hillsborough County at a central location on a 24 hour basis. Young people are brought to the JAC by officers with local law enforcement agencies in Hillsborough County, FL.

JAC provides legal and social services for young offenders and truants in a multi-agency collaborative manner. Case Management services are provided at JAC specifically for youth that are minor offenders and therefore eligible to be diverted from the Juvenile Court System.

At the JAC, a preliminary screening and in-depth assessment will be conducted by the Agency for Community Treatment Services (ACTS). ACTS works with local law enforcement agencies throughout Hillsborough County to provide services at a single intake center. Those agencies include:

  • the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office (HSCO);
  • the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ);
  • the Tampa Police Department;
  • Hillsborough County School Services;
  • University of South Florida (USF);
  • Hillsborough County Department of Children’s Services.

JAC makes referrals for additional evaluation or treatment while providing a comprehensive information system to collect data on the following:

  • abuse or neglect in the home;
  • mental health problems;
  • alcohol/other drug use;
  • educational history and needs.

Our criminal defense attorneys represent youths under the age of 18 years old who enter the juvenile justice system.

What are Juvenile Assessment Centers in Florida?

Juvenile Assessment Centers (JAC) are facilities that provide central intake and screening services. JAC also provides a broad range of services as provided in §985.135(1)-(2).

The centers are managed by the participating agencies through interagency agreements. An advisory committee guides the center’s operation as explained in §985.135(3). Each JAC provides a central intake and screening services for children referred to DJJ. The center provides the following services:

  • the initial screening and case processing;
  • delinquency intake;
  • identification of the child;
  • a needs assessment;
  • substance abuse, mental, and physical screenings; and
  • diagnostic testing where appropriate.

The centers can also be used to conduct predispositions and assessments of children in detention centers.

Additional Resources

Agency for Community Treatment Services (ACTS) at JAC – The screening entity for the JAC is the Agency for Community Treatment Services (ACTS), located at 8605 North Branch Avenue, Tampa, FL 33604. ACTS provides case management services, including intake, assessment, and direct referrals to diversion programs. It also provides prevention services to all individuals presented for JAC services, including a video targeted at substance abuse prevention.

Tampa / Hillsborough County
8605 N. Branch Ave.
Tampa, FL 33604
P. 813.936.9099
F. 813.936.2630

Hillsborough Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC)—Visit the website of JAC in Tampa, Hillsborough County, FL, to find information on the ACTS Juvenile Addiction Receiving Facility (JARF). The substance abuse receiving facility provides assessment, detoxification, stabilization, and short-term treatment for 3-5 days for children 12-17 years old. Children admitted on an involuntary basis must meet the Marchman Act criteria.

       ACTS Juvenile Addiction Receiving Facility (JARF)
8620 N. Dixon Avenue
Tampa, FL 33604

This article was last updated on Friday, June 14, 2023.