Juvenile Probation Violations
After a juvenile is placed on probation, a Juvenile Probation Officer (JPO) is assigned. The JPO will supervise the child to determine whether the child is complying with the court-ordered special conditions of probation. The court may also order that the parents of guardian report any violations of the court order by the child to the JPO and the court.
If the child commits a new offense or fails to complete timely the special conditions ordered by the court, the JPO will file a Violation of Probation Petition. If the court finds the violation of probation did occur, the court may revoke probation and impose an alternative sentence, such as placement in a residential facility run by the Department of Juvenile Justice or any other sentence that could have originally been imposed.
Attorneys for Juvenile Probation Violations in Tampa, FL
If your child is charged with violating probation, then contact an experienced criminal defense attorney to discuss the case. Our juvenile defense attorneys can represent your child during the violation of probation hearing. It is important to make sure the child is not adjudicated guilty of the underlying offense. Being adjudicated guilty is similar to a “conviction” in adult court that can follow a person for a lifetime.
Our attorneys represent juveniles charged with a wide variety of criminal offenses that are classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony.
Call (813) 250-0500 to discuss your case.
Post Commitment Probation or Conditional Release
After release from a residential program, the juvenile will be supervised as part of post-commitment probation or conditional release. Both post commitment probation and conditional release require the child to comply with special conditions that are similar to those imposed in a probation sentence. Violations can result in the juvenile being recommitted into a more restrictive residential program.
Conditional Release supervision violations are governed by administrative hearings conducted by department staff of the Department of Juvenile Justice. The court is not involved in conditional release violations. However, violations of post-commitment probation are handled by the court in the same manner as a violation of probation cases.
Probation Sentencing for Minors Under 21
The court can order a supervision program called probation after a juvenile has been found guilty of a delinquent act. Probation is a form of supervision that restricts the child’s freedom and activities and is ordered instead of committing the child to the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.
A probation sentence usually orders the child to complete certain conditions such as community service hours and paying restitution to the victims to compensate them for financial damages. A condition of probation can also involve submitting to a mental health evaluation or counseling. Counseling can involve anger management classes and substance abuse counseling.
The court can also impose a curfew and day treatment program, which provides additional supervision of youth in an educational setting. For certain offenses, the court can order the child to submit a biological sample for DNA testing.
Important Definitions for Juvenile Probation Cases
Juvenile Probation Officer – The JPO is an employee of the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice who is responsible for the intake of youth upon arrest and the supervision of youth on court ordered supervision in the community. The JPO serves as the primary case manager for the purpose of managing, coordinating and monitoring the services provided and sanctions required for each youth. In this rule chapter, whenever a reference is made to the objectives and duties of a JPO, it shall also apply to case management staff of a provider agency contracted to perform these duties and objectives.
Juvenile Probation Officer Supervisor- The JPOS is an employee of the department or a contracted provider who provides first line oversight and management of the JPOs in the unit. The JPOS is responsible for overall direction and guidance of the services provided by the JPO including, but not limited to reviewing the progress of cases, documenting compliance with law and court orders, and approving YES Plans and revisions to YES Plans.
This article was last updated on Friday, July 22, 2017.